latest news

General Updates - 29th May

Just a quick update on what we've been up to! WaveSurgeon 2.8 is going nicely, and Mobius 1.1 is nearly ready for release. Both versions add support for the Yamaha A4k/A5k and Akai S5k/S6k samplers, and the Mobius update will cure some of the problems users have had. The Mobius update should be out in a week or two, whilst the WaveSurgeon update should be about 2 weeks, hopefully.

Offer extended- 1st May 2000

The special upgrade offer of $29/$49 for owners of Advanced and Basic copies of WaveSurgeon prior to the release of Mobius has been extended to the 21st of May! Hurry while the offer lasts.

MusikMesse - 16th April 2000

Last week saw us go to the MusikMesse, and we've just returned having met many new faces, shamelessly plugged to journalists, and received plenty of new ideas!

Möbius released - 28th March 2000

At last, version 1.0 of Möbius is released today (the delay was for beta testing to ensure all of the nasties were out!). You can read about it here, check out the demo here, or buy it here.

Welcome to - 1st March 2000

As a result of developing Möbius, we've moved some of our site over to This allows us to develop new products whilst retaining the fantastic reputation (I hope!) we've built up with WaveSurgeon. will still be actively maintained, though!

The Square Circle SETI group- 1st March 2000

I mentioned this on the forum, and it's part of our new projects section. To use our CPU cycles usefully while we aren't working, we run the SETI@Home screensaver in the background, to aid in the quest for extra terrestrial intelligence. To this end, the Square Circle SETI group has been set up, and you can join up, should you so desire. I reckon most of you will be too busy running intensive plugins, however, to partake! Still, if you want to join, click here.

Announcing Möbius - 17 February 2000

This will shortly get a page of it's own, but we can preliminarily announce Möbius, our new high end loop editor. Imagine WaveSurgeon with:

Full editing features;
VST plugin support;
Direct to disk playback and recording;
CD ripping;
Time signatures;
Rewritten and optimised code;
New GUI;
Auto online updates;
Unique beat selection and processing features;

More news will be here soon. Price isn't confirmed yet, but we'll release more info in a few days...

More news - 22 December 1999

Just to let you know we've changed our ordering service to try to improve the service you receive (there are now European and U.S. phone, fax, and mail addresses). Essentially, if you have an old demo (actually, this even applies to the current demo) and the ordering info is different, don't worry! And that's about it... Merry Christmas!

Site update #2 (inspired title or what?) - 11 December 1999

Now that all day free net access is available in the UK (well, at the weekends anyway, if you know where to look), the site has been updated a bit more, specifically with the addition of user forums. I'm not sure how well this will work, but a few users have been requesting this, so I thought given our speedy new server, I'd try it. No bad language please! It's intended for people to pass hints and tips on to each other, and provide a bit more of a community for WaveSurgeon. If you have anything to say, click the forums button. I've also updated the tech support docs with a note on SCSI and samplers, and how to get them working.

Site update- 5 December 1999

20 days to Christmas... wonder if I'll get that iMac this year?

As you may have noticed, the site has been rejigged somewhat. A new search engine is installed, with a few other useful scripts. Perhaps the biggest change is that I've changed the way in which tech support is provided, so that you have to enter details about yourself and your problem when you email us. There is only so much development time, and it is soon cut short by emails asking for help without including customer information or system details. This change should mean that more information is provided, and tech problems are solved sooner. Check out the new support page here.

All this should be helped by the new server the site is on, which is reportedly very fast indeed. Incidentally, we also have up and running...

Version 2.72 is also complete. This is an advanced version only, which patches a few bugs with DirectX plugins + improves stability. Check for an update on the download page soon.

Stay tuned - 26th November 1999

New bug fixes and features on the way. Coming soon...

Hosting problems- 25th November 1999

In a bid to improve server uptime and download speed, I transferred to last Friday. There are serious bandwidth issues on their server by their admission (up until Thursday when I retransferred) as you may have noticed. They promised repeatedly to fix this issue (first it was Friday, then Sunday, then Monday, then Tuesday, then Wednesday), but the server was often failing to let users download files, so I've moved again to I've tried the two different hosts while downloading this. CI Host's server shifted 7% of a 1.5mb file in the time it took to download the whole thing from pair. I couldn't even check my email, as the server could not be found. CIHost are refusing to refund the setup fee.

UPDATE: This beggars belief. Part of the legal contract you have to sign to get your money back states that you agree to pay them the costs of defending a charge back on the credit card should it occur. I've spoken to ex clients who live in fear of a lawsuit for criticising this company.

VERSION 2.7 RELEASED - 13th November 1999

At last, version 2.7 has been released. We apologise for the delay, but it has taken months of testing and improvements to ensure that it runs as smoothly as possible. New customers will automatically receive the new version when they order; old customers will be able to dowload an updater, available in a few days.

For more information on version 2.7, see the main page.

WaveSurgeon review - 19th October 1999

WaveSurgeon wins 93% rating in Future Music November 1999, and a Platinum rating, only granted to 'particularly outstanding, knock your socks off items'. And this was for version 2.56... imagine the rating for the new version 2.7!

2.7 rc4a released - 18th October 1999

Version 2.7 release candidate 4a (for Advanced users) is now on the download page. It improves E-mu support, whilst adding DirectX plugin support.

2.7 beta 2 out now- 27th August 1999

Version 2.7 beta 2 is now available from the download page. It fixes reported bugs with the previous version, whilst adding GigaSampler support!

WaveSurgeon wins the battle of the audio editors! - February 1999

March's 'Computer Music' magazine features a round up of professional audio editors, including Samplitude Studio, Sound Forge, Clean, WaveLab, and of course WaveSurgeon. WaveSurgeon not only wins the highest mark, but also the 'smart buy award'! back online - 29th January 1999

Due to error on the part of Square Circle's ISP when transferring the domain, was nonfunctional from Sunday 24th January to 10am Friday 29th. All attempts to access our site, or to email us will have proved unsuccesful during this time. Please resend any emails that were returned, and be reassured that we are operating normally, and our site should be back to normal now.

WaveSurgeon version 2.56 released - 5th January 1999

The latest version of WaveSurgeon - 2.56  has been released. Existing owners can upgrade from the download section; new purchasers will receive the software automatically. WaveSurgeon features a number of improvements, including support for the E-mu ESI range of samplers! A demo is also available.

WaveSurgeon (Advanced) version 2.5 released - 30th December 1998

The latest version of WaveSurgeon 2.5 (Advanced) has been released. Existing owners can upgrade from the  download section; new purchasers will receive the software automatically. The basic version will be released next week, along with a long-awaited demo.

WaveSurgeon Evaluation version included on Reality 1.5 CD - 10th December 1998

The evaluation version of WaveSurgeon has been included on Seer System's Realty 1.5 CD. Check out the links page for Seer System's site...

Version 2.5 (Advanced) Beta released - 10th December 1998

A beta of WaveSurgeon 2.5 (advanced) is now available, featuring support for DLS files, the Yamaha EX range, a batch transmission feature for easy transfer of multiple files, and more. This is currently for advanced users only - a basic registration beta will follow shortly. The beta may be obtained from the download section.  

WaveSurgeon featured in Keyboard magazine (September issue)

WaveSurgeon is featured in the September edition of Keyboard magazine. The pro's include much lower cost than rival programs, and 'fits AWE-type soundcards like a glove'... the con? Only SDS transfer supported (now rectified in the Advanced registration!)

Version 2.2 now available - 18th August 1998

Version 2.2 of WaveSurgeon is now out! New features include:

Version 2.2 is available to new users immediately. Existing users should get their free upgrade from the download page.


Thanks to all the people who helped Square Circle in creating version 2.1... we won't name names (but if you want a credit, we'll be happy to put it here!), but thanks to all the beta testers and everyone who helped out...

Version 2.1 is released - 31st July 1998

WaveSurgeon 2.1 is released. New features include:

WaveSurgeon is now available in two different versions - basic and advanced registration. The former has all features apart from SMIDI and A3000 support (still $35), whilst the latter is fully featured ($52). You can order online! Upgrades are available for $25 from basic to advanced registration levels, whilst all current users can upgrade to the basic 2.1 version free (see the download page.

Some comments from users...

Since it's over a year since development started on WaveSurgeon, we thought you might like to read some comments from users. They make us blush, sometimes...!

In no particular order:

Thanks to everyone (too numerous to mention!) for their support and encouragement - you know who you are!

Square Circle moves to

As you might have noticed, we have moved to our own web domain (it's slightly easier to remember than the old address!). Comments are welcome...

WaveSurgeon given 4 star review

WaveSurgeon has been given a 4 star review by Ziff Davies' ZDNet. The only downside found was that the evaluation version has disabled features! Click here to see the feature on

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